US Navy
NB Kitsap, Bremerton, WA

This design-build pier replacement project constructed a new 120-foot wide concrete pier with over 2,200 linear feet of berthing, serving current and future classes of CVNs. The pier is supported by 650 concrete piles (24-inch) and concrete pile caps and includes 263 precast concrete fender piles (24-inch and 18-inch piles) and mooring bollards and cleats. Adjacent work included 600 linear feet of quay wall and strengthening 1,000 linear feet of sheet pile wall.
Mechanical pier utilities featured the construction of 11 different pier and shore-side mechanical systems, with multiple pump stations including: Steam, High-Pressure Return, Pump Condensate, Oily Waste, High-Pressure Air (5,000 psig), Medium-Pressure Air (125 psig), De-Ionized Pure Water, Salt Water, Fresh Water, Storm Drain, and Sewer, totaling 30,000 linear feet of utilities. Waterside 34.5kV/480V substations and distribution were installed for shore power and industrial power to support maintenance/repair operations. The project also included cathodic protection, a fire alarm system, industrial and physical security lighting, voice and data communications, CCTV, and alarms. Electrical work required major modifications to the upland underground medium voltage distribution, including modification of three existing substations and construction of two new substations. Upland utility distribution included new primary electrical distribution, steam/condensate return, compressed air, and sanitary sewer services.
Project demolition consisted of the original Pier B, a 71,820-square-foot pier supported by 933 piles, and Pier Eight, a 25,000-square-foot deck structure that included building demolition along with 144 concrete piles, and 134 timber piles. Demolition also included a 16,800-square-foot deck structure for Quaywall 729.