Pearl Harbor, HI
Total Value: $ 29,993,975
Electrical Value: $ 4,050,000

Drydock 1 & 2 Ship Support Services, Pearl Harbor, HI
This project was a combination of two separate projects (Part A & Part B) combined into a single task order to build a complete new waterfront facility that provided a new central plant and pipe distribution to provide ship support services to Drydocks 1 & 2 and Bravo Piers 1 & 2.
In Part A (Design-Bid-Build) the ship support services included piping distribution systems for chilled water, nitrogen, high pressure air, oxygen, and propane, and installation of exterior electrical and telecom/data services, and included the installation of ship support services piping distribution systems totaling over 16,000 linear feet. This electrical modernization work included removal of existing feeder circuits from the existing Substation B to Drydock 2 and replacement with new feeder circuits B-25 and B-26. The switchgear bus in Substation B was expanded with a new section to match the existing gear. New telecommunication and SCADA service to this substation were installed, including an upgrade to the existing SCADA system. This substation services the drydock area shore power stations.
Part B (Design-Build) included a 23,000-square-foot central utility plant that holds major equipment, including chilled water pumps, air cooled chillers (3 each), high pressure air compressors (2 each), nitrogen tanks, and air receivers, and has space for shipyard-provided portable emergency generators, chillers, and high pressure air compressors. The new utility plant includes a CMU building with pre-cast roof planks and a fenced yard area. New 12kV electrical distribution and service, which included two new sets of 12 kV switchgear to support the new plant, were also installed. The new installation also included controls system/SCADA.