NAVFAC Northwest
NB Kitsap, Bremerton, WA

Drydock 6 Modernization and Utility Improvements, NB Kitsap, Bremerton, WA.
This project included the renovation and modernization of approximately 2,500 linear feet of the Drydock 6 service tunnel and service galleries, with improvements to structural, industrial power, and compressed air capabilities. The structural modifications included raising the service gallery walls. New industrial power and 125-PSI compressed air distribution were provided at the service gallery locations on both sides of Drydock 6. Electrical utility work included primary and secondary distribution systems, lighting, transformers, and telecommunications infrastructure. Mechanical utility installation included a compressed air facility and distribution lines, water lines, steam lines, sanitary sewer lines, fire protection systems, storm water lines, and natural gas and supply lines.
At four existing substations, switchgear sections, protective relays and associated circuits feeding the waterfront drydock outlets were removed and replaced. New Substation N was constructed, which provided 4.16kV & 480V service to the Compressor Building. Three new Industrial Substations 83A, 84A, and 84B were also installed. New electrical service work included electrical feeder installation through existing area ductbanks and manholes.
As part of the Compressed Air Facility, a cooling water process piping system with two cooling towers and air dryers (and provision for a third to be added in the future) were installed. Incidental site utility work included demolition, removal and replacement of sanitary sewer, storm drain, and waterline in the footprint of the new compressed air building.