US Navy
NB Kitsap, Bangor, WA
Total Value: $ 348,383,252
Electrical Value: $38,000,000

Explosives Handling Wharf #2
This project constructed an explosives handling wharf (EHW2) to berth a TRIDENT II SSBN for loading and offloading missiles, torpedoes, and ordnance. The wharf also allows guided missile submarines (SSGN) handling as a backup capability and functions as a lay berth when ordnance handling is not occurring. To facilitate this mission, the project included a new wharf with a wharf cover, a separate warping wharf, extensive approach trestles, a support building beneath the wharf cover, two 120-ton bridge cranes, lightning protection towers, and installation of new utilities as well as upgrades to existing services.
The existing 12.47 kV EHW substation was replaced with a new substation to accommodate new feeders for EHW2 and re-servicing of EHW1. A new 12.47 kV feeder was routed from existing Substation 5 and other existing feeders from Substation 6 were rearranged and extended for the new EHW service configuration. This medium voltage service expansion also required modification and expansion of existing base SCADA and communication systems with extensive new fiber optic cable installation, connecting to all existing vicinity substations and the new pier. The medium voltage expansion required the retrofit of existing 15 kV breakers in multiple existing substations with new protective relays. Electrical distribution over the water included over 100,000 linear feet of conduit installed in dedicated electrical concrete utility trenches.
A complete 15 kV switchgear package was installed at the new substation including new relay and communication racks to facilitate installation of the new SCADA system. The new wharf required four new 15 kV/480V/277V unit substations (EHW2A, EHW2B, EHW2C, and EHW2D) to supply the shore power requirements. Dockside power included two new electrical service hoods (1760A) with multiple ship-to-shore receptacles, a new nitrogen service hood with receptacle (400A), two missile hoist electrical service hoods (640A) with multiple receptacles, and an electrical service hood for the pure water trailer and coolant collection.