US Navy
NB Kitsap, Bangor, WA
$ 348,383,252

Explosives Handling Wharf #2, NB Kitsap, Bangor, WA
This project constructed an explosives handling wharf (EHW2) to berth a TRIDENT II SSBN for loading and offloading missiles, torpedoes, and ordnance. The wharf also allows guided missile submarines (SSGN) handling as a backup capability and functions as a lay berth when ordnance handling is not occurring. Work included construction of a new wharf (73,800 square feet) with a wharf cover, a separate warping wharf (35,740 square feet), extensive approach trestles, a support building beneath the wharf cover, two 120-ton bridge cranes, lightning protection towers, and installation of new utilities, as well as upgrades to existing services. A total of 1,016 steel pipe piles were driven to support these structures and included 292 24-inch diameter piles, 6 30-inch diameter piles, 514 36-inch diameter piles, and 204 48-inch diameter piles.
The new facility covers over 6 acres and included extensive landside work. Utilities include a new electrical substation, water distribution, sanitary sewer, oily waste, and storm drainage. The utilities originated on the landside of the project and were routed throughout the pier structure in the concrete trenches. Demolition work included the removal of an electrical substation and transformer, aboveground storage tank, and incidental concrete pads.