Ford Island, HI

F12 & F13 WHARF REPAIRS, Ford Island, HI
This design-build project provided repairs to Wharves F12 and F13. These wharves are one continuous structure, built in the 1940s, approximately 1,400-foot-long and 50-foot-wide supported by over 700 concrete piles.
The existing timber fendering system was removed and replaced with a new concrete fender pile system. The new fendering system consisted of 211 concrete fender piles (24-inch) and 1,380 linear feet of plastic lumber. Repair work was performed above and below wharf deck, including spalls and cracks on the piles, deck, and beams. The project required cathodic anode repairs on the piles. A section of failing sheet pile wall was also replaced. The work also required survey, assessment, and repair of below deck utility piping, including mechanical, drainage, electrical, and lighting systems.
The project included removing and replacing mooring fittings (cleats and double bitts) and associated hardware, installation of 24 new pneumatic floating fenders, and an oil containment boom along the length of the wharves. Incidental work included painting and dock striping and asbestos and lead paint abatement.