US Navy
Total Value: $ 12,402,198
Electrical Value: $1,800,000

Fixed Wing Fueling System & Apron
This project expanded the fuel system for a new airfield refueling apron on a fully operational airfield. This new aircraft hydrant fueling system installation included over 5,000 feet of 12-inch stainless steel supply and 10-inch carbon steel return piping, all tying into existing fuel piping installed by Nova under a previous contract. Over 6,500 cubic yards of PCC concrete were placed for the new airfield pavement, enabling fixed wing aircraft to hot fuel at the eight new pantograph fueling stations at four locations, each fueling hydrant outlet capacity of 600 GPM. Work also included a new 1,200 square foot fuel operations building adjacent to the new PCC taxiway/apron area. Additional project area features included installation and backfill of 18-inch and 24-inch RCP storm drain piping including a new 900-foot trench drain, two overflow swale structures, drainage outfall, and a trench drain.
This project included new airfield lighting, ductbank, handholes and manholes, cables, grounding, and navigational aids. A complete Airfield and Heliport Lighting and Visual Navigation Aid system was provided and installed, including light bases, wind direction indicator, obstruction lighting and marking, runway edge lights, runway threshold, and end lights.