US Navy
San Nicolas Island, CA
$ 14,455,695

Open Ocean Supply Pier, San Nicolas Island, CA
This unique design-build project consisted of constructing a 270-foot by 35-foot open-ocean concrete supply pier for roll-on/roll-off cargo transfer capabilities. The pier and dolphin structures are approximately 640-foot long with a deck elevation that varies from 10 feet to 29 feet above Mean Low Low Water (MLLW). The pier has an adjustable mechanical ramp that is lowered to the water elevation for the barge landings. The fixed concrete pier is the key connection point between the land and the 180-foot by 22-foot steel mechanical ramp that lowers from deck elevation to water level at times of barge arrivals for roll-on/roll-off cargo transfer.
The new pier has 70 24-inch concrete piles with a 12-inch pipe cast inside each pile. The installation process required drilling through the 12-inch pile and installing a rock anchor pile to allow for improvement of both lateral and tension capacity.
Supporting utility work included electrical, water, and telephone. Nova provided a 250-kW/480-Volt generator to provide power for security lighting and power requirements on the new pier. Paving and site work included a parking area at the base of the pier, as well as miscellaneous road repairs. The project also required demolition of several small buildings as well as construction of a new operations building and equipment storage building in this remote location.