US Navy
Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego, CA
P-700 AIRCRAFT CARRIER WHARF; Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego, CA
The first phase consisted of dredging the existing harbor, disposing of the dredged material, constructing a new rock dike, filling of the area behind the dike, and culminated with densification of the fill area which provided the necessary real estate to begin construction of wharf and support buildings.
Nearly 1.8 million cubic yards of material were dredged on this project, with 136,000 cubic yards of contaminated dredge spoils placed behind the new rock dike. Eleven acres of new land were created in addition to 2,600 lineal feet of new shoreline in preparation for the wharf construction.
The new 1,300 lineal foot concrete wharf structure was supported by a combination of steel and concrete piles. 181 each 28” steel pipe piles were driven along the shoreline and then used to create a pendant wall along the backside of the new wharf. 269 each 24” octagonal precast concrete piles were driven in four rows to support the concrete deck of the wharf. 225 24” square precast concrete fender piles completed the wharf exterior protecting the structure. An on-site pile casting yard and concrete testing laboratory were used for piledriving operations.
Electrical work consisted of 69kV power distribution, one new 69kV/12kV substation, modification of an existing 69kV substation, five new 12kV/4160V substations, site lighting, fire alarm system, and telephone conduit installation. Nova installed 9,000 lineal feet of 69kV trench, a trench with five miles of conduit and cable. The area lighting and electrical distribution systems supporting the wharf required over 75,000 lineal feet of conduit. The new wharf electrical service required telephone mounds, power mounds, one ship-to-shore power mounds.