NAVFAC Northwest
NB Kitsap, Bremerton, WA

Refurbish Main Dewatering Pump #1, Pumpwell 2
The goal of this design-build project is to overhaul one of the four drydock dewatering pumps at Pumpwell 2 to restore pump performance and ensure the continued operability and functionality of the drydocks. This project will refurbish Main Dewatering Pump 1’s 48-inch discharge and 54-inch suction. The scope of the work will include procurement of two pump casings and replacement of the pump impeller, pump casing and footings, pump motor, and motor controls, and the procurement of 4 each 48-inch check valves and replacement of one check valve with a dampener. Also, the shaft connecting the pump and motor will be refurbished, as well as the shaft couplings and the shaft bearings. Components will be aligned and tested.