US Navy
NB Point Loma, CA
Total Value: $ 183,057,212
Electrical Value: $20,000,000
Repair Fuel Storage Facilities, NB Point Loma, CA
This project created a new million-barrel fuel storage facility to replace the current aging bulk fuel storage tanks and support facilities at the DFSP (Defense Fuel Support Point), Naval Base Point Loma. The work consisted of the construction of eight 125,000-barrel multi-product aboveground fuel storage tanks, fuel distribution piping, pumphouse, fuel oil reclamation (FOR) facilities, including 10,000-barrel and 25,000-barrel aboveground storage tanks, and a lube oil storage and dispensing system. Additional supporting fuel facility work included fuel tanker truck loading and unloading stations, a fuel icing inhibitor injection system, a lubricity injection system, and a pier-side operations control tower building. Site preparations and improvements included extensive earthwork operations, earth retaining structures, pavements, storm and sanitary sewers, sedimentation basins, fencing, site lighting, electrical distribution systems, emergency power generators, and physical security systems. Construction was performed over a multi-year period to keep the DFSP Point Loma Fuel Depot in continuous operation.
Electrical work included the demolition and removal of existing medium voltage electrical service to the old fuel storage and operations facilities and the demolition of existing Substation B. New area underground medium voltage distribution was provided, including installation of 15kV feeders and modification of an existing substation to service the new fuel facilities and buildings. The new 15kV feeder installation included a concrete-encased ductbank with ten new electrical/communication concrete manholes. Additionally, multiple ductbanks for lighting, controls, instrumentation, telephone, grounding, emergency fuel shutoff, fire alarms, and cathodic protection were also installed.
The new electrical equipment installation included 15 kV 1200A breakers, new 15kV600A SF6 Pad Mounted switches, multiple transformers, breakers, current transformers, metering, panelboards and disconnect transfer switches at the various buildings, all serviced by the new medium voltage electrical distribution system. Nova also modified the existing substation at the site entrance, which included a 15 kV tie-in along with installation of a new section of isolated phase bus.
The new fuels system equipment required the installation of an intricate controls system tied to the main pump control panel where all system operations are monitored and controlled. This fuel system operation also required the installation of a high capacity 1500 kW emergency/standby generator at the Pumphouse. A 250 kW standby generator was installed at the small substation and an additional 30 kW standby generator was installed at the Control Tower Building.