US Navy
US Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory

Repair Hydrant Fuel System
This upgrade to a military Type III, 2,400-Gallon-Per-Minute (GPM) pressurized hydrant fueling system included the slip-lining of 10,000 linear feet of new 12-inch stainless steel carrier pipe with cathodic protection inside an existing 18-inch stainless steel buried casing on the airfield. The system modification required the conversion of 49 existing commercial type hydrant pits to include refurbished, reconditioned JC Carter hydrant valves. Nova also installed a modified truckfill stand and hydrant hose truck checkout.
Nova demolished and removed the existing pumphouse equipment and replaced with five 600-GPM fuel pumps, five filter separators, numerous control valves, and a pump control panel in an effort to upgrade the 2,400-gpm pumphouse. Nova tied into the existing 50,000-barrel aboveground fuel storage tanks for fuel supply to the pumphouse. The project also included Portland Cement Concrete airfield paving, reinforced concrete slab and support work, and upgrade of the existing electrical system.
Due to the isolated geographic location of the project, material transport required extensive planning and coordination, particularly for long-lead items. Personnel travel to the project required stops in several countries and connection to a military transport flight, the only flight service onto the island.