Replace Hydrant Fuel System, Travis Afb, CA
The project constructed a new Type-III Hydrant System with two 10,000-barrel Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST) and a 2,400-Gallons-Per-Minute (GPM) pump house at the existing 900 ramp site, and constructed a new 12-inch JP-8 piping loop between the new operating storage and 12 new hydrant pits. The project demolishes and removes two 5,000-barrel operating storage tanks, one pump house, and seven hydrant pits. The project also abandons-in-place approximately 4,500 lineal feet of hydrant piping. The project also constructs one new truck off-load stand with a single Return To Bulk (RTB) connection. Also included with the new operating storage facility are access roads, concrete secondary containment, containment drainage, canopies, control system, and lighting.
Completed 2022