NAVFAC Pacific
Tinian, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)
Tinian Combined, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands
As a subcontractor to Black Micro Corporation, Nova Group is installing the P-9010 Fuel Tanks with Receipt Pipeline & Hydrant System at Tinian International Airport, Tinian, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). The scope of work for Nova is to procure, transport, install, and test a complete mechanical fuel system. This project involves phased construction interfaced with activities by Black interfacing Nova’s work activities. It includes two 10-000-barrel cut-and-cover tanks and a 5.5-mile, 10-inch, carbon steel transfer line that runs from the port to the POL area. The piping in the POL area is stainless steel. The jet fuel system provides a high flow rate of fuel delivery to truck fill stands and to future parking apron hydrants. The system will also include a isolation pit, an additization station, seaport pump station, operational pump station at the airport, fire protection, spill control facility, emergency generators, a future hydrant loop, and parking for fuel-related vehicles.