by Aidan Herlong | May 22, 2019
Projects CLIENT: US Navy LOCATION: NB Point Loma, CA VALUE: $183,278,061 REPLACE FUEL STORAGE FACILITY, NB Point Loma, CA This project replaced fuel storage tanks for the Navy at Defense Fuel Supply Point (DFSP) Pt. Loma in San Diego to include the following:...
by Aidan Herlong | May 22, 2019
Projects CLIENT: US Navy LOCATION: Misawa Air Base, Japan VALUE: $5,349,109 Type Iv Hydrant Fuel Repair At Misawa Ab, Japan This emergency project provided mandatory repairs and upgrades needed to the existing out-of-service Type IV Hydrant System. The project...
by Aidan Herlong | May 22, 2019
Projects CLIENT: USACE LOCATION: Pittsburgh ARS, PA VALUE: $45,447,185 ADAL Fuel Hydrant System And Paving with Lighting, Pittsburgh ARS, PA This project constructed four new hydrant positions and on-site storage and pumps, as well as transfer pipelines needed...
by Aidan Herlong | May 13, 2019
Projects CLIENT: US Navy LOCATION: Travis AFB, CA VALUE: $27,753,035 Replace Hydrant Fuel System, Travis Afb, CA The project constructed a new Type-III Hydrant System with two 10,000-barrel Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST) and a 2,400-Gallons-Per-Minute (GPM)...