Refurbish Main Dewatering Pump #1, Pumpwell 2

Projects  CLIENT: NAVFAC Northwest  LOCATION: NB Kitsap, Bremerton, WA  VALUE: $6,412,777 Refurbish Main Dewatering Pump #1, Pumpwell 2 The goal of this design-build project is to overhaul one of the four drydock dewatering pumps at Pumpwell 2 to restore pump...
Building 191 HEAF Atrium Conversion

Building 191 HEAF Atrium Conversion

Projects  CLIENT: Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC  LOCATION: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore CA  VALUE: $7,800,944 Building 191 HEAF Atrium Conversion This project was awarded to Nova Group. The construction work was located at Building...
Replace Type III Hydrant Fuel System

Replace Type III Hydrant Fuel System

Projects  CLIENT: USACE Omaha  LOCATION: General Billy Mitchell ANGB, Milwaukee, WI  VALUE: $35,987,647 Replace Type III Hydrant Fuel System This project at the General Billy Mitchell Air National Guard Base in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, includes constructing a new...